



2018-01-23 21:28:00






  This little city, tucked amid the Tuscan hills, casts a long shadow through history. The wellspring of the Renaissance, Firenze (or Florence) sheltered the powerful Medici family and inspired artists like Michelangelo (David) and Brunelleschi (the Duomo). If it weren't for the fashionable Italians and chic shops lining Via Tornabuoni, you might think you had traveled back in time to the 14th century. But Renaissance art is not the only reason to come: You also visit Florence for its gorgeous sunsets, its Italian cooking and its unbeatable romantic charm.

  这个隐藏在托斯卡纳山丘之间的小城市,历史悠久,给人留下了深刻的印象。文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨(或佛罗伦萨)的泉源庇护着强大的美第奇家族,并启发了米开朗基罗(大卫)和布鲁内莱斯基( 大教堂)等艺术家。如果不是那些时髦的意大利人和穿过Tornabuoni的别致的商店,你可能会认为你已经回到了14世纪。但文艺复兴时期的艺术并不是唯一的理由:您还可以参观佛罗伦萨的美丽日落,意大利烹饪和无与伦比的浪漫魅力。


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  #5 in Best Places to Visit in Europe


  #7 in World's Best Places to Visit


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  Loggia dei Lanzi, in the Piazza della Signoria, is an open-air (and free) museum that was designed in the 14th century by Orcagna, an influential architect and artist. Below the building's curved arches are dozens of sculptures (notable ones include Giambologna's Rape of the Sabines and Cellini's Perseus), which draw crowds of tourists and locals alike. Behind it sits the Galleria degli Uffizi. The Piazza della Signoria is also filled with its (more than) fair share of sculptures, including a towering replica of Michaelangelo's David.Take your time wandering around, and if you get tired, grab a seat along the Loggia dei Lanzi, or make your way to a cafe near the Fountain of Neptune. Recent visitors said this is a great area to people-watch and view magnificent sculptures while also resting travel-weary feet.

  长廊广场是一座露天(免费)博物馆,由十四世纪的著名建筑师和艺术家Orcagna设计。在建筑物的弧形拱门下面有数十个雕塑(著名的雕塑包括詹博洛尼亚的萨宾人吸引了大批游客和当地人。在它后面坐在Galleria degli Uffizi。Piazza della Signoria广场上还弥漫着(超过)相当数量的雕塑,其中包括米开朗基罗的大卫的高耸的复制品。把你的时间在四处游荡,如果你累了,沿着凉廊德兰兹坐一个座位,或前往海王星喷泉附近的咖啡厅。最近的游客说,这是一个很好的地方观看和观赏壮丽的雕塑,同时也休息旅行疲倦的脚。



  The Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (known simply as the Duomo) is not only Florence's religious center, it's also the city's most recognizable attraction. Occupying the Piazza del Duomo in the heart of the city, this massive Gothic cathedral was erected during the 14th century on the former site of the Roman church, Santa Reparata. You'll know you're in the right place when you find yourself straining your neck to see the church's massive, iconic dome. The red-tiled cupola was designed by Brunelleschi and is described as a must-see by experts and travelers alike.Visitors like to joke that the cathedral was designed inside-out: its exterior boasts intricate designs and breathtaking features while the interior is surprisingly plain. For many, the main reason to visit is to climb to the top of the dome (the cupola) where you'll find spectacular views of the city. (Be aware that there is no elevator and some of the narrow walkways require you to stand to the side while people pass in the opposite direction.) However, if you are interested in looking around inside, guided tours are available.

  The Duomo is open to visitors Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to either 4 or 5 p.m., while the cupola climb is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:40 p.m. If you're mostly there to climb the 463 stairs, it's best to try and get there as soon as the doors open to beat the crowds. The 24-hour OPA pass costs 15 euros (about $18), and grants you admission to all five monuments in Piazza Duomo, including the cupola climb. You are also welcome to attend Mass and other religious ceremonies. For more information, visit the Duomo page on Florence's tourism website.

  圣母百花大教堂(简称Duomo大教堂)不仅是佛罗伦萨的宗教中心,也是这座城市最具吸引力的景点。坐落在市中心的大教堂广场上,这座巨大的哥特式大教堂于14世纪在罗马教堂圣雷帕拉塔教堂旧址建造。当你发现自己脖子上看到教堂巨大的标志性圆顶时,你就会知道你是在正确的地方。红砖的圆屋顶由布鲁内莱斯基,菲利波设计,被专家和旅客描述为必不可少的。游客喜欢开玩笑说,大教堂内部设计:外部拥有复杂的设计和令人惊叹的功能,而内部是令人惊讶的平原。对于许多人来说,访问的主要原因是爬到圆顶(圆屋顶),在那里你会发现壮观的城市景色。(请注意,没有电梯,有些狭窄的走道要求您站在旁边,而有人向相反的方向行驶。)但是,如果您有兴趣在里面观看,可以参加导游讲解。如果你主要是在那里爬463级的楼梯,最好是尽量到达那里,只要打开门打开人群。24小时OPA通票费用为15欧元(约合18美元),并且可以让您进入大教堂广场的所有五处古迹,包括冲天炉攀登。你也欢迎参加弥撒和其他宗教仪式。欲了解更多信息,请访问佛罗伦萨旅游网站的Duomo页面 。



  Overlooking the city from its perch in the Oltrarno district, the Piazzale Michelangelo is one of the most popular viewpoints in the city, and it's definitely worthwhile if you're a first-time visitor. This ornate square is known for its spectacular views and its towering replica of Michelangelo's David. Getting to the piazza can be quite the trek on foot (there is an intimidating flight of stairs leading from the Piazza Poggi), but recent visitors said the panoramic city views are well worth the workout.You can also watch the sunset from one of the outdoor cafes lining the square. Also, there are two flower gardens that come to life with thousands of varieties of roses and irises in the spring months. If you want to avoid the crowds, plan to come early in the morning or at night.




  Occupying the top floor of the U-shaped Palazzo degli Uffizi along the banks of the Arno River, the Uffizi Gallery was Europe's first modern museum, created by the Medici family at the end of the 16th century. Today, the museum is any art lover's dream: it still displays the family's prominent art collection, which includes such masterpieces as Botticelli's "Birth of Venus," Raphael's "Madonna of the Goldfinch" and Titian's "Venus of Urbino."Because of the many works of art housed here, you're going to need to take your time. One of the best ways to see the highlights and learn about the lesser-known pieces is to take a tour or rent an audio guide. Many recent visitors also said that the main problem with this museum isn't art overload, it's the crowds. Before you visit, check out the museum's official website, where you can purchase tickets in advance and acquire additional information about the gallery's extensive art collection, showcased in more than 45 halls.The Uffizi Gallery – which sits just a few blocks from Ponte Vecchio in central Florence – is open Tuesday through Sunday from 8:15 a.m. to 6:50 p.m. Admission is 16.50 euros (around $19.75), but if you plan to purchase your tickets online, expect to pay a modest reservation fee. For more information, visit the gallery's official website.



  关键信息:成人15欧元(约合18美元),6-11儿童3欧元(约合4美元)。周一至周五上午8:15至上午10:15,上午11:15 -下午6:30,周六上午8:15 - 6点30分,周日上午8:15,下午1:30。

  The Battistero is the oldest building in the city, and although the current façade dates from the 11th century, historians have dated the Baptistery back to the 5th century. It hasn't been proven, but many say that this octagonal building was once a temple dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war.Today, this ancient building is a must-do for any art lover. Wake up early to beat the crowds, who flock to the Battisteroin search of the Gates of Paradise. Designer Lorenzo Ghiberti's delicate depictions of Christ and other religious symbols on these massive doors inspired awe in even the most renowned artists, including Michelangelo, whose praise of the doors earned them their name. Note: the doors have been undergoing restoration since 2014, and upon completion will be moved to inside the Opera del Duomo museum. Replicas are currently in their place.Once you get inside the Baptistery, recent visitors advised that you spend plenty of time looking up: The ceiling is covered with intricate frescoes.

  The Baptistery sits near the Duomo in the Piazza San Giovanni. It is open to visitors Monday through Friday from 8:15 to 10:15 a.m. and from 11:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; on Saturday from 8:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Sunday from 8:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The OPA 24-hour pass is 15 euros (or about $18), and also grants you admission to the Duomo and the cupola climb. For more information, visit the Baptistery section of the Florence tourism website.

  佛罗伦萨洗池是城市中最古老的建筑,虽然现在的外墙可以追溯到十一世纪,但历史学家们把洗礼仪式追溯到公元五世纪。它没有被证明,但许多人说这个八角形的大厦曾经是一个专门给火星,罗马战神的寺庙。现如今,这座古老的建筑是任何艺术爱好者必做的事情。早早起来击败群众,谁涌向天堂之门的佛罗伦萨洗池搜索。设计师洛伦佐•吉贝尔蒂在这些巨大的门上对基督和其他宗教符号的微妙描绘,激发了即使是最著名的艺术家,包括米开朗基罗,他们的门口赞誉他们的名字敬畏。注意:自2014年以来,大门已经进行了修复,建成后将搬到Opera del Duomo博物馆内。副本目前在他们的位置。一旦你进入洗礼堂,最近的游客建议你花很多时间看:天花板上覆盖着错综复杂的壁画。

  洗礼堂坐落在圣乔瓦尼广场的大教堂附近。周一至周五8:15至10:15以及上午11:15至下午6:30开放。星期六上午8时15分至下午6时30分,星期日上午8时15分至下午1时30分OPA 24小时通票价格为15欧元(约合18美元),同时也授予您进入大教堂和圆屋顶的机会。欲了解更多信息,请访问佛罗伦萨旅游网站的洗礼区部分。



  If you only have a limited amount of time for art museums while you're here, devote some of it to the Galleria dell'Accademia for one simple reason: the David. This is your chance to see one of Michelangelo's most famous works in all his authentic glory. However, you aren't alone on your mission: The gallery can get flooded with other tourists also eager to see the famous piece. While you're waiting for the crowds to clear, take the time to see some of the artist's lesser-known works, including the unfinished Slaves and Prisoners.The Galleria dell'Accademia sits several blocks north of the Duomo and is open Tuesday through Sunday from 8:15 a.m. to 6:50 p.m. Admission costs vary, but start at 12 euros (about $14.40), and tickets can be reserved in advance. You should also consider booking a tour, which is a smart way to avoid lines and learn more about the art. If you're lucky enough to arrive on the first Sunday of the month, admission is free, but it's best to plan ahead and show up early to beat most of the crowds. For more information, check out the museum's website.


  学院美术馆坐落在大教堂以北几个街区,周二至周日从上午8点15分开放至下午6点50分。入场费有所不同,但开始时为12欧元(约合14.40美元),门票可提前预订。 你也应该考虑预订一个旅游,这是一个聪明的方式来避免线条和了解更多关于艺术。 如果你有幸在本月的第一个星期天抵达,入场费是免费的,但是最好提前计划,并提早出场打败大部分人群。欲了解更多信息,请查看博物馆的网站。



  If you're headed to Oltrarno for a stroll through the Bóboli Gardens, it's worth it to take some time to tour the Palazzo Pitti (Pitti Palace) as well. This former Renaissance residence is now home to Florence's most extensive grouping of museums. The most notable of the Pitti's galleries is the Galleria Palatina, which – with its impressive collection of works by Raphael, Titian and Rubens – is second in prestige only to the Uffizi Gallery. Other museums within the palace spotlight everything from historical fashion to household treasures once belonging to the Medici family.Recent visitors suggest going early and blocking out several hours to see the museums and gardens, or even coming back on a second day if you can't fit it all in to one day.Sitting on the opposite end of Ponte Vecchio from central Florence, the Palazzo Pitti houses a total of six separate museums, all of which feature their own hours of operation and entry fees. For more information, visit the palace's website.




  Santa Croce is similar to the Duomo in style (both churches represent dominant Gothic traits), but most visitors aren't drawn here by Santa Croce's looks: Come here to pay your respects to such notable Italians as artist Michelangelo, scientist Galileo Galilei and political philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli. Santa Croce is also home to what some say is the most important art collection of any church in Italy, the most notable works being spectacular frescoes done by Giotto.After you've sufficiently toured the church, head next door to the Museo dell'Opera di Santa Croce (Museum of Santa Croce), which houses several objects formerly found within the church itself. You can also spend a few hours shopping or sipping cappuccino in the neighboring Piazza Santa Croce, which is home to an impressive collection of leather shops. In fact, the Scuola del Cuoio (leather school) – which was started after World War II in part by the Franciscan friars of Santa Croce – is connected to the church. It's free to explore the school – and a good place to search for leather souveniors – but it costs 8 euros (about $9.60) to enter the church and museum. The church, museum and piazza sit just east of the city center. Both buildings are open to from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 2 to 5:30 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. You are also welcome to participate in religious services. For information on Mass times and more, visit the Santa Croce website.

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