



2018-01-23 20:46:00






  Rome, the city of seven hills, enjoyed a mythic beginning. Romulus and Remus — twin brothers who were nursed by a she-wolf and fathered by a war god — reportedly founded the Eternal City. And although historians are a little skeptical about this epic entry into the world, most travelers are absolutely certain that there is something magical about Rome. Whether it's the mystery of nearby Vatican City or the ghosts of the Colosseum, an afternoon caffè on Piazza Navona or a piled-high plate of pasta at a trattoria, Roma is sure to enchant.

  Italy's capital city, Rome is also known for a history that dates back to the eras of Octavian, Julius Caesar and Hadrian, among others. Left behind are structures like the Pantheon, the Roman Forum and dozens of churches, among other historic gems. Art enthusiasts will relish the trove of art housed at the Vatican Museums, and foodies will enjoy the splendid Italian fare, not to mention the gelato. And though its momentous past is the focus for many vacationers, Rome is also a fast-paced, modern and relevant city, with gleaming designer storefronts, sleek hotels and cutting-edge restaurants.




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  Be sure to take time to enjoy la dolce vita — even a week isn't long enough to experience everything Roma has to offer. From historic tours through ancient Rome (Colosseum,Roman Forum) to Sunday morning shopping at the Porta Portese flea market to climbing to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica, this city is bursting with things to do. You can help your chances of returning to Roma by tossing a coin in the Trevi Fountain; fate might just bring you back to the Eternal City, or so the legend goes.

  一定要花时间享受甜蜜生活,即使一个星期还不够长也要体验罗姆人所提供的一切。从古罗马(罗马斗兽场,罗马广场)的历史之旅到星期天早上在Porta Portese跳蚤市场购物,到圣彼得大教堂的顶端,这个城市正在忙碌着。您可以通过在特雷维喷泉掷硬币来帮助您返回罗马的机会,命运可能会把你带回到永恒的城市或者传奇。



  关键信息:成人12欧元(约合14.10美元), 儿童7.50欧元(约合8.80美元)。上午8:30 - 日落前一小时开放。

  The site of many bloody gladiatorial fights, the Colosseum, which was finished in 80 A.D., could then hold about 50,000 spectators. With a circumference of 573 yards and sitting on marshland, experts say the Colosseum is an engineering wonder … not to mention an animal- and human-rights atrocity.Today, the massive complex is a favorite site amongst travelers. That said, you'll find lengthy lines almost anytime you visit. To beat the queues, you can purchase a ticket at the Roman Forum, which allows you admittance to both and a line jump at the Colosseum. You can also purchase the Romapass, which gets you access to several of the city's top museums for free.

  Recent Colosseum visitors recommend getting a tour guide, with some saying it gives more context, providing a richer experience than simply viewing the structure. Other travelers specifically suggest taking a night tour to beat the crowds.The Colosseum is open daily, from morning until about an hour before sunset, and you can find it off the Colosseo metro stop.

  The site of many bloody gladiatorial fights, the Colosseum, which was finished in 80 A.D., could then hold about 50,000 spectators. With a circumference of 573 yards and sitting on marshland, experts say the Colosseum is an engineering wonder … not to mention an animal- and human-rights atrocity.

  Today, the massive complex is a favorite site amongst travelers. That said, you'll find lengthy lines almost anytime you visit. To beat the queues, you can purchase a ticket at the Roman Forum, which allows you admittance to both and a line jump at the Colosseum. You can also purchase the Romapass, which gets you access to several of the city's top museums for free.Recent Colosseum visitors recommend getting a tour guide, with some saying it gives more context, providing a richer experience than simply viewing the structure. Other travelers specifically suggest taking a night tour to beat the crowds.The Colosseum is open daily, from morning until about an hour before sunset, and you can find it off the Colosseo metro stop.


  现如今,这个庞大的建筑群是旅客最爱的地方。也就是说,你几乎每次访问都会发现冗长的线条。 为了打败队列,你可以在罗马广场购买一张门票,这个门票可以让你在罗马斗兽场进入并跳线。您也可以购买罗马通票,您可以免费进入该市的几个顶级博物馆。最近斗兽场的游客建议去找一个导游,有些人说它给了更多的背景,提供比单纯观察结构更丰富的体验。其他旅客特别建议夜间游览击败人群。斗兽场每天早上开放,直到日落前一个小时,您可以在斗兽场地铁站下车。




  Not as popular as the Colosseum (but located nearby), some say the Roman Forum is more interesting (and free!). The Roman Forum comprises much of the Ancient Rome's most important structures, from shrines to government houses to monuments. Although much of the complex is in ruins, you can see the remains and imagine the former glory of the Arch of Septimius Severus, the Temple of Saturn, the Arch of Titus and the House of the Vestal Virgins, among other structures.Consider paying for an audio guide, which gives context and color to the Roman Forum ruins. Some travelers even recommend paying a bit more for a guided tour. The Forum is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to an hour before sunset.





  A must-see on many travelers' itineraries, the Trevi Fountain is situated amongst a high concentration of hotels, shopping and nightlife. Finished in the mid-1700s, the Trevi is a powerful example of a baroque design with a distinctly mythological character. The god of the sea, Neptune, emerges from the pool, flanked by his trusty Tritons. The fountain underwent an extensive $2.4 million restoration and reopened in its full splendor in November 2015.According to Roman lore, throwing one, two or three coins into the Trevi, with your right hand over your left shoulder, ensures 1) you'll return to Rome, 2) you'll fall in love with an attractive Roman, and 3) you'll marry that same Roman.This mythological site is best viewed at night when lights illuminate the fountain. However, some travelers lament the Trevi's many tourists and aggressive local street vendors. Located in Corso and Spagna, you can find the Trevi Fountain off the Barberini metro stop.

  特雷维喷泉是许多旅客的行程必须看到的,该喷泉具有高度集中的酒店、购物和夜生活。特雷维在十八世纪中叶完成,是一个具有鲜明的神话性质的巴洛克式设计的一个强有力的例子。海神海王星出现在游泳池旁,旁边是他可信赖的Tritons。喷泉经过了240万美元的修复,并于2015年11月重新焕发了辉煌。根据罗马传说,用一只手,两只或三只硬币投入特雷维,用右手在左肩上,确保1)你会回到罗马,2)你会爱上一个有吸引力的罗马人,3 )你会嫁给那个罗马人。这个神话遗址最好在晚上当灯光照亮喷泉。然而,一些旅客感叹特雷维的许多游客和咄咄逼人的本地摊贩。位于Corso和Spagna,您可以在Barberini地铁站找到Trevi喷泉。




  Open daily, with abbreviated hours on Sunday, the Pantheon is known for its perfect proportions — which is amazing, seeing as it was raised in 120 A.D. While you're there, you can also pay your respects to Raphael (the artist, not the ninja turtle), as well as Italian kings Victor Emmanuel II and Umberto I, who are all buried there.Recent visitors describe this free attraction as a must-see; they also say the Piazza della Rotunda, in which it's located, is a cozy setting for a coffee, pizza slice or gelato. The former pagan temple can be found in the Navona and Campo corner of Rome, accessible via the Barberini metro stop.

  每天开放,星期天的开放时间较短,万神殿以其完美的比例而闻名,这是一座惊人的建筑,当你在那里的时候 ,你可以看到公元120年前的建筑是怎样的,你也可以向Raphael(艺术家,而不是忍者龟)以及意大利国王维克托·伊曼纽尔二世和翁贝托一世表达你的敬意,他们都埋在那里。最近的游客描述这个免费的吸引力作为一个必须看到; 他们还说,它所在的Piazza della Rotunda广场是一个舒适的喝咖啡,品尝比萨饼片或冰淇淋的最佳地点。你可以在罗马的纳沃纳广场和坎普角落找到前罗马异教徒的寺庙,可通过巴贝里尼地铁站抵达。




  The epicenter of Roman Catholicism, St. Peter's Basilica is centered in Vatican City and open daily for free tours. (Though it's closed on Wednesday mornings for pope appearances.) Many visitors enjoy trekking to the top of the dome. You can climb the 323 steps to the summit; for a slightly higher fee, you can take an elevator. Regardless, you'll take in a panorama of Rome's spectacular landscape.Keep in mind that this is an active church with daily Mass services. Likewise, a stringent dress code is enforced: No short skirts, hats or bare shoulders. And because St. Peter's Basilica is one of the area's major attractions, there is almost always a long queue — though it tends to go fast. Recent travelers recommend you spring for a tour guide; the depth of insight they bring to the basilica really makes the experience.St. Peter's Basilica is open daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. between April and September, and every day from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. from October to March. To learn more, visit the Vatican City State's website.

  罗马天主教的,圣彼得大教堂集中在梵蒂冈城,每天开放免费参观。(星期三上午,虽然因教皇出场而关闭)。许多游客喜欢徒步到穹顶顶端。你可以爬323级登顶,如果需要乘坐电梯,那么将会被收取稍高的费用。无论如何,你会看到罗马壮观的风景。请记住,这是一个每日大众服务的活跃教会。同样,严格的着装要求你也应该遵守0:不准穿短裙,戴帽子或裸露的肩膀。由于圣彼得大教堂是该地区的主要景点之一,几乎总是排起长队,虽然它往往走得很快。最近的旅客推荐你春天的导游; 他们带给大教堂的洞察深度确实使经验。圣彼得大教堂每年四月至九月的上午七时至晚上七时开放,每天从十月至三月的上午七时至下午六时。欲了解更多信息,请访问梵蒂冈城国家网站。




  You'll find one of Vatican City's most notorious attractions housed within these walls — the Sistine Chapel (and Michelangelo's famous frescos). A tour of the Vatican Museums grants access to various sections of the palaces, the Sistine Chapel included. But don't overlook the treasures housed within the museums themselves, including the spiral staircase and the Raphael Rooms. The Vatican Museums are so immense that guided tours are highly recommended though they make the price of visiting pretty expensive. Audio-guides are a much cheaper alternative.Keep in mind that the museums are notoriously crowded, especially so on Saturdays, Mondays, the last Sunday of the month, rainy days and around holidays. You should also respect the museums' dress code (no short skirts, shorts or bare shoulders), as well as the whisper and no-photo policies in the Sistine Chapel. Located in Vatican City, you can find the museums off the Cipro-Musei Vaticani metro stop. Tickets cost 16 euros (or about $19) for adults and 8 euros (less than $9.50) for children ages 6 to 18.


  请记住,博物馆是臭名昭着的拥挤,特别是星期六、星期一、每个月的最后一个星期天,雨天和假期。您还应该尊重博物馆的着装规定(不准穿短裙、短裤或裸露肩膀)以及西斯廷教堂的低语和无照片政策。位于梵蒂冈城,您可以找到Cipro-Musei Vaticani地铁站附近的博物馆。门票价格为成人16欧元(约合19美元),儿童6-18美元8欧元(少于9.50美元)。



  关键信息:上午8:30到中午 每天下午3:30-6:00

  This featured chapel from Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" is now heavily trafficked by Robert Langdon wannabes. But baroque art fans might want to brave the crowds for a look at Gianlorenzo Bernini's Cornaro Chapel, which features the Ecstasy of St. Teresa statue.Recent visitors can't stop gushing about Santa Maria della Vittoria. Many say the church is nothing short of stunning, noting that the detail of Bernini's Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is truly incredible.You can find this church less than a mile west off of the Barberini metro stop. This active church is open daily but closes for lunch.

  这个来自丹·布朗的“天使与恶魔”的特色教堂现在被罗伯特·兰登所崇拜。但巴洛克风格的艺术爱好者可能想要勇敢地看看Gianlorenzo Bernini的Cornaro教堂,那里有圣特雷莎雕像的迷魂药。最近的游客不能停止对圣玛丽亚·德拉多利亚而欢呼。许多人说,教堂是令人惊叹的,并指出贝尔尼尼的圣特雷莎迷魂药的细节 真是不可思议。您可以在距离Barberini地铁站不到一英里的地方找到这个教堂。这个活跃的教会每天开放,但是关闭午餐


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