



2018-01-23 22:54:00






  In many ways, Madrid is similar to many other international metropolises — it's Spain's largest city, has the largest population, is the capital and is the center for international business. But, before you jump to conclusions, hush … if you listen carefully, you can hear the gentle melodies of the Spanish guitar, the swish of a flamenco dancer's skirt, and the happy laughter from a midday meal infused with too many glasses of sangria. Yes, Madrid is for travelers interested in famous paintings and stunning architecture, but it's also, and maybe more so, for those looking for an unhurried good time.



  #1 in Best Places to Visit in April


  #2 in Best Places to Visit in Spain


  #7 in Best Affordable Vacations in Europe


  #8 in Best Affordable European Honeymoon Destinations


  #9 in Best Family Vacations in Europe


  #12 in Best Spring Vacations


  #15 in Best Places to Visit in Europe



  This big European city has its fair share of hustle and bustle, but that doesn't mean it skimps on providing visitors with an authentic Spanish experience. The Prado Museumfeatures works by some of Spain's most famed artists, including Velazquez and Goya. ThePalacio Real (Royal Palace) is open to the public and the El Rastro market or the upscale shops in Salamanca provide hours of shopping. But if you're drained from a long day of sightseeing, you might want to rest at an open-air café, especially the ones that skirtPlaza Mayor. Once your energy is restored, enjoy sampling some choice specialties at a tapas bar, such as El Tigre near Chueca, before hitting the club.




  This cast iron market right outside of Plaza Mayor is a favorite among travelers and locals alike. Visitors can purchase some wine, grab a cocktail or coffee, snack on a variety of ready-to-eat tapas, or pick up some ingredients for dinner later from the fruit, seafood and meat stalls available.Recent visitors loved the vast selection of food offered, as well as the fun, vibrant atmosphere, with some saying they could eat at the market all day. Some travelers, however, felt the market was too expensive and complained of the lack of seating available. Either way, all agree that it is a must-see, if not a must try something to eat. Hours for the Mercado San Miguel are 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. Sunday through Wednesday and 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. from Thursday to Saturday. You'll find the market just west of the city center (Puerta del Sol).




  Plaza de Cibeles is considered to be the most famous plaza in Madrid. Located along the central Calle de Alcalá (which leads into Sol) and adjacent to Paseo del Prado (the street that houses The Prado and the Thyssen museums), the plaza and its stunning architecture is a big draw for tourists. The main building in the square, the Palace of Communications, was formerly a post office but now serves as the city's mayor's office. The fountain features the Roman goddess Cybele, who represents Earth, agriculture and fertility. The goddess has unofficially been adopted by the city's fútbol (soccer) team, Real Madrid. When Real Madrid, or the Spanish National team, win a title, the city holds a parade that ends in Cibeles with one of the players fastening the team's flag to Cybele.Visitors are allowed in select areas of the Palace, including the observation deck which affords panoramic views of the city. And what's more, it's only €2 to get in. For a great photo op, recent travelers strongly suggest visiting the site at night, as the lights illuminating the building and fountain highlight the plaza's unique architectural details. You can get to Plaza de Cibeles from the Banco de España metro station.

  西贝雷斯广场被认为是马德里最有名的广场。位于Calle deAlcalá(通往Sol)的中心地带,毗邻普拉多博物馆和蒂森博物馆的街道,广场及其迷人的建筑是游客的一大乐趣。广场上的主楼是交通宫,原为邮局,现在是市长办公室。喷泉的特点是代表地球,农业和肥沃的罗马女神Cybele。这个女神已经非正式地被皇家马德里足球队所采用。当皇家马德里队或者西班牙国家队赢得冠军的时候,这个城市举行了一场以Cibeles结束的游行,其中一名球员把球队的旗子紧固到了Cybele。游客可以在宫殿的特定区域,包括可以欣赏到城市全景的观景台。更重要的是,入场费只有2 欧元。对于一个很好的照片,最近的旅客强烈建议在晚上参观,因为灯光照亮了建筑物和喷泉,凸显了广场独特的建筑细节。您可以从Banco deEspaña地铁站前往西班牙广场。

  3. 雷蒂罗公园


  To the east of central Madrid, Parque del Buen Retiro (Retiro Park) can be translated as "The Retreat," and that's what it is — a sprawling swath of lush greenery filled with formal gardens, lakes, cafes, playgrounds and more. This 300-acre park previously housed Felipe IV's palace and gardens, and didn't become open to the public until the mid-18th century shortly after most of royal buildings burned down from a fire.Today, you can still delight in the Palacio de Cristal (Crystal Palace), which holds regular art exhibitions, rent a paddle boat on the Estanque (lake), or take a stroll in the Rosaleda (Rose Garden), which has more than 4,000 roses. There is also the open-air puppet theater for those traveling with little ones, which puts on a show every Saturday and Sunday.The overwhelming majority of travelers greatly enjoyed their time at Retiro Park. Some minor gripes included the high price of cafe concessions, and some reported the presence of shady characters; however, both of these gripes can be contained by bringing a picnic and using some common sense (not loitering in the park at night). Hours for this park are 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. or 12 a.m. daily, depending on the season. You can access Retiro by getting off at the Retiro, Atocha or Iiza metro stations.

  马德里市中心以东,巴赫克德尔雷蒂罗公园,可以翻译为“撤退”,拥有着诸多的花园、湖泊、咖啡馆、游乐场和更葱郁的蔓延大片。这座占地300英亩的公园原先安置了费利佩四世的宫殿和花园,直到十八世纪中叶,大部分皇家建筑物被烧毁后不久,它才开放给公众。现如今,你仍然可以取悦于宫水晶(水晶宫),其中定期举办艺术展览,租上一桨船在湖里畅游或漫步在玫瑰园,其中有4000多玫瑰。还有一个露天木偶剧场,为那些小孩子们旅游,每个星期六和星期天都会放映一场。绝大多数旅客非常喜欢在Retiro Park度过愉快的时光。有些轻微的抱怨包括咖啡馆让步的高昂价格,有些则报道了阴暗的人物的存在; 然而,这些抱怨都可以通过带来野餐和使用一些常识(晚上没有在公园里游荡)来控制。您可以在Retiro,Atocha或Ibiza地铁站下车,进入Retiro。



  This square, located in the heart of Madrid, is more a must-experience attraction than a must-see one. Surrounded by cafes and bars, Plaza Mayor practically begs passersby to take a seat, order a coffee or glass of wine (depending on the time of day) and people-watch. Not only do throngs of tourists pass through, but multiple street performers plant their feet here to entertain. The square starts getting busy around 2 p.m. and will grow increasingly busy as night falls. If you find yourself in Madrid during the holidays, locals recommend visiting the holiday markets held in the plaza. Recent travelers acknowledge the touristy nature of Plaza Mayor — the souvenir shops, the less-than-gourmet yet overpriced restaurants etc. — but some of them still take the time to sip a cortado and take a few photos.

  这个位于马德里市中心的广场,比一个必看的景点更吸引人。马约尔广场被咖啡馆和酒吧所环绕,实际上乞求路人坐下,点咖啡或一杯葡萄酒(取决于一天的时间)和观看。不仅游客群众通过,而且还有多位街头艺术家在这里进行娱乐活动。广场在下午2点左右开始忙碌,随着夜幕降临,它将变得越来越忙。如果您在假日期间来到马德里,当地人推荐参观在广场举行的假日市场。 最近的旅客承认市长广场的旅游性质 - 纪念品商店,不到美食但价格过高的餐馆等 - 但他们中的一些仍然花时间啜一杯咖啡,拍几张照片。您可以在太阳门广场西面找到方形广场,通过索尔或歌剧院的地铁轻松抵达。



  The true center of Madrid — kilometer zero — Puerta del Sol fills with spurting fountains, shops, restaurants and lots of people. If you're looking for a place to rest your feet after a long day of touring, or a quiet place to stay, Sol is not the place. The area is always crowded, especially at nighttime when the city comes alive with people passing through the square looking to party at some Madrid's hottest bars and nightclubs (many of which are situated in Sol). It's the best place to taste Madrid's life and vibrancy, so even if you're going out to dinner, don't pass up the opportunity to walk through and take in the area. Recent travelers say it's a great destination to people-watch considering the concentration of street performers and protesters. And if you're visiting over the New Year, you'll find Puerta del Sol is Spain's Times Square. Step off the Sol metro stop, and you'll be right in the thick of things.

  马德里的真正中心太阳门广场拥有喷泉、商店,餐馆和很多人。太阳门不是一个适合您在漫长的一天之后寻找一个放松脚步的地方或是一个安静的那个地方。这个地区总是很拥挤,尤其是在夜间,当人们穿过广场,在马德里一些最热门的酒吧和夜总会(其中许多是在索尔进行派对时,这个城市变得活跃起来。 这是品尝马德里生活和活力的最佳地点,所以即使你出去吃晚餐,也不要放弃步行穿过这个地方的机会。最近的旅客说,考虑到街头表演者和抗议者的集中,这是一个很好的观察目的地。如果你过年过节,你会发现太阳门是西班牙的时代广场。走下Sol地铁站,你就会对事物感到厌倦。

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