



2016-03-31 14:43:00


  下面是出国留学网小编为大家推荐的英语听力材料:How to Become a President 我是怎样成为总统的。希望能对大家的英语听力练习有所帮助!

  Host: What was your favorite book as a child and why?


  主持人:你小时候最喜欢读哪本书?为 什么?

  Ford: While I grew up, I read every Horatio Alger book I could get my hands on. Those stories were an inspiration to me and had a significant impact on my ambition as I matured.

  福特:我长大的过程中,读了我能找到 的霍雷肖阿尔杰的每一本书。那些 故事对我起到了启蒙作用,对我长大后 的抱负产生了重大影响。

  Host: If it were up to you, who would get the Republican nomination for President?

  主持人:如果要你决定,共和党总统提 名人你会选谁?

  Ford: At this point, I have no special favorite for the Republican nomination. Senator Bob Dole is an outstanding Republican leader in the Senate. He was my vice presidential partner in 1976. Senator Phil Gramni has had a fine record in the Congress. Former Governor Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, who was also Secretary of Education under President Bush, has undertaken an able campaign for the Presidency. There are several others. I was disappointed that Dick Cheney,Jack Kemp and Dan Quayle had withdrawn from the presidential campaign. There are several dark horses, such as Governor Pete Wilson of California,Governor Weld of Massachusetts and others. At this point it’s a wide open contest.

  福特:目前,对共和 党提名我还没有一 个特定的人选。鲍 勃多尔议员是参 议院出色的共和党领 袖。1976年他是我的 副总统。菲尔格 雷姆议员在国会一直 □碑不错。田纳西的 前州长拉马尔亚 历山大也是布什政 府的教育部长,也 在进行有力总统竞 选。还有几个人也很 有能力。我很失望 迪克切尼、杰克肯普和丹奎 尔已经退出了总统竞选。也有几个黑马 的出现,比如加州州长皮特威尔逊、 马萨诸塞州长韦尔德等等。现在这场竞 选还没有答案。

  Host: Do you think it would be a good idea to have a women on the 1996 Republican ticket, and if so, whom?

  主持人:你认为1996年共和党票选提 名女性的想法怎么样?如果会提名女性 那会是谁?

  Ford: It is a distinct possibility that the Republicans in 1996 would nominate a woman as a candidate for V.P. For example, Governor Whitman of New Jersey who has done an excellent job as Governor, would be a most attractive V.P. candidate. I would not rule out others as a possibility.

  福特:1996年竞选,共和党当时很可能会提名女性当副总统。比如新泽西州长 惠特曼州长干得不错,她可能是最有吸 引力的副总统候选人。我也不排除选其 他人的可能性。

  Host: Do you feel that the federal government spends enough money on education or should they spend more? How would you change the way government allocates money for education?

  主持人:你觉得联邦政府在教育上的投 入够吗?是不是应该投入更多?你会怎 样改变政府对教育分配的资金?

  Ford: The Federal Government spends a significant amount of money on behalf of education. It is divided between general support for education and for specific programs, such as Head Start and others. The major funding for local education comes from the community and the individual state. The Federal Government contribution for general education is approximately 8-10% overall. The Federal contribution for specific programs of education is a major part of the funding. In my judgment, the Federal Government should emphasize its support for specialized programs where we can see excellent results. I would not recommend any cutbacks in the support of education, but I would require that the education proponents fully justify their funding in the future.

  福特:联邦政府在教育方面投入了很多 钱。分为总体支持和特殊项目的支持, 比如提前教育项目等。当地的教育投入 主要来自社区和每个州。联邦政府对一 般教育的投资大致占8%-10%。联邦 政府对特殊项目的贡献也占主要的一部 分。据我看,联邦政府应该加强对我们 能看到很好效果的特殊项目上的支持。 我不建议减少对教育的支持,但是我会 要求教育支持者们在未来能够完全公正 地分配资金。

  Host: If I wanted to become President and lead America, what advice would you have for me?

  主持人:如果我想成为总统领导美国, 你会给我什么建议?

  Ford: I would strongly recommend that anyone who has the ambition to become president would first get an excellent education. One must first graduate from high school, then college and possibly a graduate degree. In my judgment, one should achieve good grades. It is also important to have outside activities that involve the day to day problems of the community. A person must know about people problems and community problems if he or she wants to be a successful office holder — at the local, state, or national level. A good president is one who is well educated, but who knows the problems firsthand throughout the country. With this background, you are qualified to serve in the White House, providing you can get the nomination and be elected.

  福特:我首先强烈建议那些想要成为总 统的人接受良好的教育。他首先需要从 高中毕业,上大学,然后可能要拿到硕 士学位。我认为,他还必须有很好的成 绩。参加解决社区实践问题的校外活动 也很重要。如果想要在当地政府、州政 府或者国家政府部门做一个成功的长官就必须了 解民生问 题和社会 问题。好的总统必 定受过良育,也能第一时间了解全国的问题。有了这个背景,就有了获得提名并当选的资格,就能胜任 白宫的工作。

  Host: How did you feel when you received offers to play professional football and why did you turn down the offers?

  主持人:当别人邀请你去踢职业足球的 时候你怎么想的?为什么拒绝了?

  Ford: Quite frankly, I was overwhelmed to receive two offers to play professional football from the Detroit Lions and the Greenbay Packers. I was tempted because it was during the Depression when there weren’t very many jobs available for a college graduate. The nation was faced with 25% unemployment. Fortunately, I was offered a job as Assistant Football Coach at Yale University for a salary of $2,400 a year. I thought this was a better opportunity, though less money, than playing Pro football, because I would also have the opportunity to attend Yale University Law School. As I look back, I made the right decision, although on occasion it would have been nice to have played one year in the NFL. I think this illustrates that you have to make tough choices. I’m glad that it worked out the way it did.

  福特:很坦率地说,收到底特律雄狮和 绿湾包装工队的邀请时我高兴坏了。我 动心了,因为那时正是经济大萧条的时 候,大学毕业生没有多少工作可以选 择。当时国家的失业率是25%。幸运 地是,我得到了一个年薪2400美元的 工作,就是当耶鲁大学的足球队助理教 练。尽管钱比踢职业足球要少一些,但 我以为这是一个很好的机会。因为我还 有机会上耶鲁大学法学院。现在回想起 来,我作的决定是正确的,尽管要是能 在国家橄榄球联赛踢一年球是很好的事 情。我想这也说明人必须要作出艰难的 决定。我很高兴当时选了那条路。

  Host: Did you ever get help from past presidents with foreign or domestic policy? What do you think about former President Carter helping President Clinton with many matters?

  主持人:你在国内外政策上有没有得到 前些任总统的帮助?你对前总统卡特 在很多事情上帮克林顿总统的做法有什么看法?

  Ford: To my knowledge, every sitting president has, whenever he thought it was necessary, called on former presidents to be helpful. President Carter, when he was in the White House, asked for my help on at least four foreign policy issues. For example, I supported him and helped to get some votes in the US Senate at the time of the Panama Canal Treaty and the recognition of the People’s Republic of China. I respect former President Carter’s desire to help President Clinton in foreign policy, but I think it mandatory that Carter carry out the Clinton policies. Former President Carter should not in any way whatsoever undercut the foreign policies of President Clinton or his Secretary of State. Any deviation from White House foreign policy would be harmful, not helpful.

  福特:我认为,每一个现任总统任何时 候认为必要时,打电话给前任总统会有 帮助的。卡特总统在任的时候至少在4 项外交政策上寻求过我的帮助。比如我 支持并帮助他在巴拿马条约签订 的时候获得一些 选票,获得中华人民共和国的认可。我对卡特总 统在外交政策上 帮助克林顿表示 尊重,但是我认 为卡特应该服从 克林顿的政策 前任总统卡特不 应该以任何形式 破坏克林顿总统 或者其国务卿的 外交政策。白宫 外交政策的任何偏差都是有害的而无益 的。

  Host: Do the secret service agents ever wait on you like they do in the movie, Guarding Tess?

  主持人:秘密组织有没有像电影《第一 夫人的保镖》演的那样等你发号施令?

  Ford: The Secret Service has a very special responsibility: protecting a President or a former President from any threat. The Secret Service is a very professional organization that carries out its mandated duties. I will always be most grateful for their protection when there were two attempts on my life while in the White House. As you know, Squeaky Fromm tried to shoot me in Sacramento, but was intercepted by an agent. Sarah Jane Moore did shoot at me in San Francisco but fortunately missed. This illustrates the basic duties of the Secret Service. They are not assigned to broader personal support.

  福特:秘密组织责任很特别:保护总统!或前任总统免受任何威胁。秘密组织是执行命令的职业组织。我对他们在我执 ,政时在白宫对我的两次有效保护一直都 很感激。你知道,斯克维奇弗洛姆在萨克拉门托试图射杀我,但是被组织 !成员阻止了。萨沙简穆尔在萨克拉门托朝我射击了,但是幸好没中。这 ;说明了秘密组织的基本责任。他们不负责更广泛的个人保 护。

  Host: Who was your childhood role model?

  主持人:你小时候 心目中的榜样是 谁?

  Ford: My childhood role models —— my mother and my stepfather. My mother was a strong, wonderful lady and my stepfather was a great inspiration because of his integrity, hard work and community dedication. I will forever be grateful for the guidance and support of my mother and stepfather.

  福特:我儿时的榜 样是我的妈妈和继 父。我妈妈是很坚 强很标致的女性, 我的继父正直、工 作勤奋、对社会有 奉献精神,对我来 说是一个启蒙。我 会永远感激他们的引导和对我的支持。

  Host: How would you like to be remembered?


  Ford: As president, I want to be remembered as the person in the White House who assumed that responsibility under very difficult circumstances and restored public trust in the presidency and healed the nation following the tragedies of Vietnam and Watergate. Finally, let me express my deep appreciation for the opportunity to communicate with an audience of over 500.1 congratulate you on the fine questions and your sincere interest in the Presidency and government problems. I strongly urge that all of you study hard and have ambition to serve your nation. Good luck and God bless you.

  福特:作为总统,我希望人们会记住我 是在很困难的情况下担当责任,重树民 众对总统的信心,在越战和水门事件之 后使国家恢复正常。最后,让我表达一 下有机会与500多名观众进行交流的感 激之情。感谢你们提出的很好的问题和 你们对总统和政府问题的兴趣。我非常 希望你们都好好学习,有为国家服务的 雄心。祝你们好运,上帝保佑你们!

  Host: Many thanks to President Ford for joining us this afternoon and sharing your experiences with us.

  主持人:非常感谢福特总统今天下午和 我们一起分享你的经历。

  Ford: Thank you.

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