



2017-02-17 14:09:00




  Whether or not you require a student visa for France will depend on whether or not you are an EU national.

  If you are an EU national, or national from the EEA, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, you do not require a French student visa. Instead, all you will need in order to legally study in France is a valid passport or other valid travel ID.

  If you are a national from anywhere else in the world, you will need to obtain a student visa for France in order to be able to undertake study.





  What type of French student visa will you need?

  There are several types of French student visa, and the one you require will differ depending on how long you are planning to study in France for.

  Schengen student visa (short-stay)

  If your studies will last less than three months, and you are sure you will not be spending any longer in the country, then you should apply for the court séjour pour étude, otherwise known as the short-stay or Schengen student visa. The Schengen student visa is issued free of charge and cannot be renewed.

  Visa to sit entrance exams

  If you need to travel to France in order to sit one or more university entrance exams, you can apply for the visa de court séjour étudiant concours, which simply means a visa for sitting entrance exams. If you sit your exam and pass, you are then eligible to apply for a renewable, one-year residence permit. For more information, contact the admissions department of the French institution you wish to study at.

  Temporary long-stay visa

  The visa de long séjour temporaire pour études is a temporary student visa that allows you to study in France for a period of up to six months. With this student visa for France you do not need to apply separately for a residence permit.

  Long-stay visa

  Known as the visa de long séjour pour études or the extended-stay VLT-TS, the long-stay visa is what you need if you wish to study in France for longer than six months. This visa acts as a residence permit and lasts for the duration of your study period (normally three years for a bachelor’s degree, two years for a master’s program and four years for a PhD). Algerian nationals do not require the VLS-TS, but are subject to different provisions. Contact your institution or the French consulate/embassy in your own country for more information.




  如果你的学习时间少于三个月,并且你确定自己不会在法国有任何的停留的话,那么你应该申请court séjour pour étude,即短期停留或申根学生签证。申根签证是免费的,并且不能更新续签。


  如果你是因为需要参加一所或者多所大学的入学考试需要前往法国,那么你可以申请de court séjour étudiant concours签证,简单来说就是为了参加入学考试而申请的签证。如果你参加了入学考试并且通过考试的话,那么你有资格申请一个可续签的为期一年的居留许可。了解更多的信息,请联系你希望就读的法国大学招生部。


  de long séjour temporaire pour études签证是一个临时的学生签证,它允许学生在法国停留至多6个月。获得了这种类型的学生签证的学生,将不需要申请单独的居住许可证。


  也叫做de long séjour pour études签证或者是延长停留时间的VLT-TS签证。如果你在法国的学习时间超过6个月的话,那么你需要办理的是长期停留签证。这个类型的签证可以充当居住许可,并且有效时间将会持续到你整个的学习时间(学士学位专业通常是3年,硕士学位专业是2年,而博士学位专业通常是4年)。来自阿尔及利亚的学生不需要VLS-TS,但以不同的规定为准。联系你的大学或在自己国家的法国领事馆/大使馆获取更多的信息。

  How to apply for a student visa for France

  Nationals from a number of countries will apply for their French student visa through Campus France, the country’s official national agency for higher education and international students. Those students would also have been required to use Campus France to apply to their chosen French institutions, via the CEF procedure. See this list of countries to find out if you need to apply for both your visa and your admission in this way.

  If your country of origin is not listed in the link above, then you will be responsible for both your university application and your student visa application. Only once you have received acceptance onto a program at a French institution will you be eligible to apply for your student visa for France.

  In order to apply for your visa, you will need to contact the French consulate in your home country and provide them with the following, when requested:

  An official acceptance letter onto an accredited program at a French institution. This should be on officially headed paper, featuring your full details, the details of your program of study and the start and end dates of study.

  Proof of sufficient funds for living in the country. The current amount required is €615 (US$820) per month, which can be shown with a bank statement, a guarantor’s letter or a notice of funding from a loan, scholarship or grant.

  Proof of return ticket home. Often this is in the form of the actual ticket or reservation showing the date of departure, but can be a handwritten statement of intent, including intended departure dates.

  Proof of medical insurance (minimum cover €30,000, US$40,150)

  Proof of accommodation. Can be shown in the form of student housing confirmation or a certificate of board and lodging or ‘attestation d’accueil’ (if you’re living with friends or relatives).

  Proof of proficiency in French, if you are studying a French-language course.





  - 法国大学某一公认专业的正式录取通知书,官方文件,具有完整的详细信息,你的专业和学习的开始和结束日期的详细信息;

  - 足够的法国留学资金证明,目前的资金证明标准是每一个月€615 (US$820),可以通过银行声明、赞助者信件、或者是获得贷款、奖学金或者助学金的资助通知来证明;

  - 回国机票证明,通常为实际的机票,或显示离开日期的预订机票,但也可以为手写的意向书,包括预定的离境日期;

  - 医疗保险证明(最低覆盖范围是€30,000, US$40,150);

  - 住宿证明,学生宿舍确认或其他证明 (如果你住在朋友或亲戚家);

  - 法语语言能力证明,如果你学习法语授课专业的话。

  On arrival in France

  When you arrive in France with an extended stay VLS-TS, you will need to send the official form which was presented to you along with your visa to the French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII). This can be by registered mail, or in person if you reside in Paris. In the same letter, you should also provide a copy of your valid passport, including pages showing your identity and the stamp issued upon entry into France.

  Once your form and copied passport pages have been received, you will be sent a receipt of confirmation with further instructions on your next steps if required. This may be an instruction to obtain a medical examination if you have not previously received one in your country of origin.

  Often your institution of study will help you with this part of the process. In some cases, an agreement exists between the OFII and the school in question, meaning documents can be submitted to the school instead of the French authorities.

  In all instances, you will be expected to pay a tax of €58 (US$78) to handle administration costs.





  在所有情况下,你都需要支付€58 (US$78)的税费用于管理成本。

  Working in France with a French student visa

  With a valid residence permit (the VLS-TS functions as such), as an international student you are eligible to take on paid work for 964 hours annually (this equates to about 60% full-time employment). This number of hours is configured for work between the periods of 1 September to 31 August. Eligible work hours between September and June are (up to) 670, while July to August is (up to) 300 hours.








想了解更多留学网(www.iliuxue360.cn)的资讯,请访问:   出国签证  |  护照办理  |  签证办理流程  |  签证技巧  |

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