



2018-01-23 22:04:00



  前言:为什么要去阿姆斯特丹呢? 阿姆斯特丹比臭名昭著的咖啡店文化和红灯区要好的多的。花一天骑自行车沿着城市的运河和时尚的街道,然后探索值得注意的博物馆(想想凡高博物馆)。友善的当地居民和经济实惠的酒店不断为旅客带来回报,这座城市为您打造出色的夏季之旅。



  Don't believe everything you hear about Amsterdam. Yes, this Netherlands city takes a lax look at women beckoning business in the Red Light District and "coffee shops" selling an unorthodox type of herb to a toking clientele, but these descriptions only scratch the surface. At some point, during an excellent Indonesian meal, a twilight canal-side rambling or a shopping excursion through the boutiques of Nine Little Streets, you'll realize – as many travelers have before you – that there's much more to Amsterdam than you might've thought.

  And although the city's loose laws on vice seem to attract a college-age, male-dominant crowd, Amsterdam is also ideal as a romantic getaway for two or an educational excursion with the kids. With attractions that range from biking along a maze of canals to remembering the Holocaust through the eyes of Anne Frank; from exploring the swirling Expressionism of Vincent van Gogh to lazing in the expansive Vondelpark, Amsterdam suits a variety of traveler tastes.

  不要相信阿姆斯特丹所听到的一切。是的,这个荷兰城市对于在红灯区的女性招徕生意的看法很淡漠,而向客户推销非正统类型的草药的“咖啡店”,但这些描述只是表面上的划痕。在某个时候,在印尼一顿绝妙的晚餐,运河边暮色漫步或穿过九小街精品店的购物游,你会意识到 - 尽可能多的旅客在你面前, 阿姆斯特丹比你想象的要多得多。我以为。虽然这个城市的宽松法律似乎吸引了大学时代,男性占主导地位的人群,阿姆斯特丹也是理想的两个浪漫之旅或与孩子们的教育游览。有许多景点,从骑自行车沿着运河迷宫到通过安妮·弗兰克的眼睛回忆大屠杀; 从探索文森特·凡·高的旋转表现主义到在广阔的冯德尔公园中休憩,阿姆斯特丹适合各种旅行者的口味。


  #2 in Best Family Vacations in Europe


  #3 in Best Summer Vacations


  #5 in Best Winter Vacations in Europe


  #9 in Best Places to Visit in Europe


  #10 in Best Christmas Vacations



  Amsterdam offers a lot more than vice like the world-class Van Gogh Museum, the Rijksmuseum and shopping on Nine Little Streets. Families might enjoy a visit to theVondelpark and the NEMO Science Museum, a family bike ride or an introduction to Amsterdam's love of pancakes. But of course, the party scene of coffee houses, gay bars, nightclubs and more is not to be missed. How we rank Things to Do.

  阿姆斯特丹比世界级的梵高博物馆, 国立博物馆和九小街上的购物中心还要贵。家庭可以参观冯德尔公园和NEMO科学博物馆,骑自行车的家庭或介绍阿姆斯特丹对煎饼的热爱。但当然,咖啡馆,同性恋酒吧,夜总会等等的聚会现场也不容错过。 我们如何排名的事情。



  Located southwest of the city center, Vondelpark is the favorite leafy retreat of just about everyone. Most recent travelers said they enjoyed people-watching and picnicking at the park, but other reviewers recommend avoiding a late-night visit as the park can be a little frightening once the sun sets. During the day, though, the park is filled with couples, families and friends, and is definitely worth a visit.Ponds, fields and playgrounds are connected by winding paths, which also run by an open-air theater, a rollerblade rental, several cafes and a range of statues and sculptures. Open dawn to dusk, you can take a number of trams, including 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 or 12, to get there.



  关键信息:安妮·弗兰克之家的开放时间是每年4月至10月的上午9点至10点,十一月至三月的上午9点至下午7点,每周六延长营业时间。在上午9点到下午3点30分之间,只有在特定时间段购买机票的旅客才能入场。从3:30开始关门,游客可以在博物馆门口购买同一天的门票。入场费用为成年人9欧元(约11美元),10至17岁儿童4.5欧元(约5美元)网上购票额外增加了半欧元, 9岁以下的孩子免费。

  Experts and travelers alike say the Anne Frank House is a must-see attraction. Inside the building, where not so long ago the 15-year-old Anne Frank penned a journal that would become a best-seller, travelers can imagine what it'd be like to stay hidden away for two years, only to be betrayed and taken to a concentration camp.It doesn't take long to tour the Anne Frank House, but the lines to get in are almost always long. You should visit early or late in the day to beat the worst of them.The Anne Frank House is open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. April through October and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. November through March, with extended hours on Saturdays. Between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., admission will only be granted to visitors who purchased a ticket for a specific time slot. From 3:30 to close, visitors can purchase a same-day ticket at the museum entrance. Admission costs 9 euros (about $11 USD) for adults and 4.50 euros (about $5 USD) for children ages 10 to 17; add on an extra half-euro for online ticket purchases. You can reach the museum via trams 13, 14 and 17 to the Westermarkt stop. For more information, visit the Anne Frank House website.




  The Van Gogh Museum holds a collection of paintings, prints, etchings and correspondence by the famed (though the fame came post-mortem) Vincent van Gogh, who cut off his own ear and committed suicide at the rise of his success. Actually, only one of his paintings ever sold during his lifetime, though now his work goes for millions and is showcased around the world.

  Because of Van Gogh's popularity, some travelers highly recommend purchasing online tickets ahead of time to avoid lengthy museum lines. Others advise visiting on the museum's late Fridays (when the building stays open until 10 p.m.) for ambient music and drinks. Open Sunday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., the admission price is a bit steep, though fans of the tortured artist think the 200 paintings on view are worth it. Adults can get a ticket for 17 euros, about $20. To get to the museum, take either the 2 or 5 tram to the Van Baerlestraat stop, or the 12 tram to the Museumplein stop. For more information, visit the museum's website.

  梵高博物馆收藏著名的梵蒂冈文艺复兴时期的著名作品梵蒂冈文艺复兴时期的画作、版画、铜版画和信函,梵高在成功兴起时却自杀了。实际上,他的一生中只有一幅画被卖了,现在他的作品已经卖了上百万,在世界各地展出。由于梵高的受欢迎程度,我们建议一些旅行者提前购买在线门票,以避免漫长的博物馆线路。其他人建议参观博物馆晚上的星期五(当大楼保持营业至晚上10点),欣赏周围的音乐和饮品。开放时间为星期日至星期四上午9时至晚上7时,星期五上午9时至晚上10时,星期六上午9时至晚上9时,入场费有点陡峭,虽然被折磨的艺术家的粉丝认为200景观是值得的。大人可以得到17欧元的票,大约20美元。要到达博物馆,可以乘2路或5路电车到达Van Baerlestraat站,或者乘12路电车到 Museumplein站。 欲了解更多信息,请访问博物馆的网站。


  关键信息:开放时间是周一至周五上午10点至下午5点,周六至周日,节假日上午11点至下午5点。成人10美元, 7-16岁儿童5美元, 6岁以下的孩子免费。

  The Verzetsmuseum (the Dutch Resistance Museum), located by the Artis Royal Zoo, has been called by some the city's best-kept secret. Recent travelers said the museum answered historical questions that arose during a visit to the Anne Frank House, questions like: "How could all of this happen, and how did it continue for so long?" And the Resistance Museum was built to do just that. The facility tells the stories of those who lived during the Nazi occupation and explains (to increasingly detached generations of visitors) how these atrocities transpired.The museum is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Recent visitors hail this museum's reasonable admission price: 10 euros for adults (about $12 USD) and 5 euros for children ages 7 to 15 (approximately $6 USD). To get here, take the 9 or 14 tram to the Artis stop. For more information, visit the museum's website.

  荷兰抵抗博物馆位于Artis皇家动物园的Verzetsmuseum(荷兰抵抗博物馆)被一些城市秘密保存。最近的旅行者说,这个博物馆回答了安妮·弗兰克之家访问期间出现的历史问题,这些问题如下:“怎么会发生这样的事情,以及这个过程如何持续了很长时间? 而抵抗博物馆就是为了做到这一点。该设施讲述了纳粹占领期间生活的人的故事,并解释了这些暴行如何发生。博物馆开放时间为星期一至星期五上午10:00至下午5:00,星期六至星期日上午11:00至下午5:00。最近的参观者欢迎这个博物馆合理的入场费:成人10欧元(约12美元),7至15岁儿童5欧元(大约6美元)。要到这里,乘坐9或14路电车到Artis站。 欲了解更多信息,请访问博物馆的网站。



  The center of Amsterdam's entertainment scene, you'll find nightclubs, movie theaters, concert venues, casinos and, of course, some coffee shops in this neighborhood, which is located southwest of the city center. For the performing arts, the Melkweg (Milky Way) concert hall and the Stadsschouwburg city theater are of particular note.Leidseplein is the place to be, if you enjoy mixing with the masses. If crowds aren't your thing, you should steer clear of this area – definitely don't book a hotel or hostel here – or maybe head to the nearby Vondelpark instead. Travelers were also pleasantly surprised by the quantity and variety of restaurants huddled in the neighborhood.Leidseplein is accessible via the 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10 tram routes.

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热门标签: 出国留学   荷兰旅游   春节旅游
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