



2018-01-23 22:26:00



  前言:为什么要去维也纳?这座城市以音乐和君主而闻名。探索哈布斯堡的美泉宫,漫步内城狭窄的街道 。如果您是艺术爱好者,请前往展览馆区参观现代艺术博物馆。



  History is at the heart of Vienna both literally and figuratively. The narrow streets of the Innere Stadt (Inner City) snake through antiquated buildings, providing an atmosphere so authentic that you almost expect a Vienna native like composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or psychologist Sigmund Freud to round a cobblestone corner and greet you with "guten tag." Extravagant baroque palaces from the Habsburg Monarchy loom over the city, just as Mozart's classical arias pour from contemporary cafes. If it's culture you seek, you'll find it here.

  But there's more to this city than just music and monarchs. Vienna is also a great place to spend some cash, with independent bookstores competing for business alongside haute couture. There are also a surprising number of attractions for young ones, including an amusement park and a top-notch zoo. And although many Viennese retire early in the night, that doesn't mean you have to; sneak out to one of the bars along the city's Bermuda Triangle, or drop by one of the wine taverns skirting the Vienna Woods.

  历史是维也纳的字面和比喻的核心。内城区的狭窄街道穿过古老的建筑,提供了一个如此真实的氛围,你几乎可以期待像作曲家莫札特或者心理学家弗洛伊德这样的维也纳人,绕着鹅卵石角落,用“ gten tag “。哈布斯堡君主制的奢华巴洛克式宫殿在城市上空,就像莫扎特的古典咏叹调一样从当代的咖啡馆涌来。如果是你所寻求的文化,你会在这里找到它。但是这个城市不仅仅是音乐和君主。维也纳也是一个花钱的好地方,独立的书店和高级时装一起竞争。对于年轻人来说,还有一个惊人的景点,包括一个游乐园和一流的动物园。尽管许多维也纳人在早上退休,但这并不意味着你必须; 潜入城市百慕大三角地带的酒吧之一,或者沿着维也纳森林散步的酒吧之一。


  #2 in Best Places to Visit in October


  #2 in Best Christmas Vacations


  #6 in Best Affordable Vacations in Europe


  #6 in Best Affordable European Honeymoon Destinations


  #6 in Best Winter Vacations in Europe


  #12 in Best Places to Visit in Europe



  #1 Hotel Sacher Wien维也纳萨赫酒店

  #2 Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna维也纳汉森凯宾斯基宫酒店

  #3 The Guesthouse Vienna维也纳维也纳旅馆


  Vienna is a city that relishes its past, and it has the attractions to prove it. Whether you're interested in the long-reigning Habsburg family, classical music composed by Vienna's own Mozart, or antiques; this city has enough to keep you entertained for days. Most sites are located within the Innere Stadt, such as the Haus der Musik (House of Music) and theMuseumsQuartier. However, even those which are not centrally located, such asSchönbrunn Palace, are easy to reach.




  Towering above the streets of the Innere Stadt, this massive cathedral is the true centerpiece of Vienna. St. Stephen's has stood in this very spot since the early 12th century, but little remains of the original aside from the Riesentor (Giant's Gate) and the Heidentuerme (Towers of the Heathens). The Gothic structure standing today was built in the early 1300s and has survived the Turkish siege of 1683. It was here that mourners came to pay their respects to Amadeus Mozart in 1791. In 1805, Napoleon used St. Stephen's doors to post his farewell edict. And it weathered attacks from both German and Russian armies during World War II. Today, this stunning cathedral remains an active house of worship, a national icon and a top tourist attraction.After you've toured the main section, head underground to the catacombs where many victims of the Great Plague of Vienna were laid to rest. Move on to the gruft, or vault, where numerous urns contain the remains of members of the Hapsburg royal family. Before you leave, you should climb the 343 steps to the top of the South Tower or use the elevator to reach the lookout terrace at the North Tower – you'll be treated to a spectacular view. Visitors call this one of those "must-visit" attractions in Europe, praising the gorgeous church and its surroundings.

  这座巨大的大教堂高耸在内城区的街道上,是维也纳的真正核心。圣斯蒂芬已经站在了自12世纪初,但很少遗体从原来预留的巨人之门和异教徒的塔。现如今的的哥特式建筑建于十九世纪初,并在1683年的土耳其围困中幸存下来。1791年,哀悼者们在这里向莫札特致敬。1805年,拿破仑用圣斯蒂芬的大门发布了他的告别诫命。它在二战期间受到了德军和俄军的袭击。现如今的,这个令人惊叹的大教堂仍然是一个崇拜的活跃房屋,一个国家的图标和一个顶级的旅游景点。参观完主要部分之后,走到地下墓穴,那里有许多维也纳大瘟疫的牺牲者被安葬。继续前进到哈布斯堡皇室成员的遗体中,那里有许多瓮堡。在您离开之前,您应该爬上三百三十三级的台阶到南楼的顶层或者使用电梯到达北楼的了望台,您可以看到壮观的景色。游客称这是欧洲“必游”景点之一,赞美华丽的教堂及其周边环境。请记住,服务仍然在这里举行,你更欢迎参加,所以重要的是要尊重。欲了解更多信息,包括Mass times,请访问大教堂的网站。



  The works at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, or Museum of Fine Arts, range from ancient Egyptian and Greek objects to masterpieces by numerous European masters, including Titian, Velasquez, Van Dyke and Rubens. In fact, the collection here is so extensive that many people say the walls of the Hofburg Palace look bare in comparison. The building itself, which opened to the public in 1891, impresses travelers as well; its facade features ornate sculptures.Recent travelers appreciated the wide range of work on display at this museum and note just how large the building is and how much art is held within. A few suggested breaking up the day with a quick cup of coffee at the on-site shop.The Museum of Fine Arts, which is sandwiched on the Ringstrasse between the Hofburg Palace and the MuseumsQuartier, is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with extended hours on Thursday evenings. During the summer, the museum is open daily and operates the same hours. Admission (which includes entry to the Imperial Treasury at the Hofburg Palace complex) is 15 euros (around $17) for adults and guided and audio tours cost 4 euros (about $5) extra. Children 19 and younger can enter for free and those with a Vienna Card are eligible for a discount on admission. For more information, visit the museum's website.

  艺术史博物馆或艺术博物馆的作品从古埃及和希腊的物品到许多欧洲大师的杰作,包括提香、贝拉斯克斯、范戴克和鲁本斯。事实上,这里的藏品非常广泛,许多人都说霍夫堡宫的墙壁看起来比较光鲜。1891年向公众开放的建筑本身也给旅客留下了深刻的印象。其门面设有华丽的雕塑。最近的旅行者对这个博物馆展出的大量作品表示赞赏,并注意到这座建筑有多大以及内部有多少艺术品。有几个人建议在现场购买一杯咖啡来打破这一天。美术馆位于霍夫堡宫和博物馆之间的Ringstrasse大街上, 欲了解更多信息,请访问博物馆的网站。



  Originally constructed in 1696 as a hunting lodge, Schonbrunn Palace later became the official Hapsburg summer residence. Under the supervision of Maria Theresa (the only female Hapsburg ruler), Schonbrunn evolved into an expansive paradise with ornate rooms and vast elaborate gardens comparable to King Louis XIV of France's palace at Versailles. A tour will lead you through apartments belonging to Maria Theresa as well as Emperor Franz Joseph, his wife Elisabeth, and Archduke Franz Karl. Other highlights include the Blue Staircase, the Mirror Room and the Hall of Ceremonies. Also plan to spend at least an hour in the gardens, which are connected by shaded promenades that extend diagonally from the Gloriette, a stunning Roman-style arch overlooking a vast pool. Located within the grounds is Tiergarten, the oldest zoo in the world.Travelers say the grounds are beautiful, the tour is insightful and the zoo is entertaining for the whole family, but many warn about how crowded this attraction gets. Many suggest visiting first thing in the morning to avoid the congested atmosphere.Occupying a large portion of Hietzing (13th District) southwest of the Innere Stadt, Schonbrunn Palace is open daily at 8:30 a.m. (closing times vary depending on the season). Admission ranges from around 14 to 20 euros (about $16 to $23) for adults and about 10 to 12 euros ($11 to $14) for children, depending on what type of tour you select and whether you'll be using a guide. You'll have to pay a few euros extra to explore certain areas of the gardens. For more information, visit the palace's website.




  Every Monday through Saturday, hundreds of vendors flock to this market in the Wieden District (located just south of the Ringstrasse) to sell fruit, meat, dairy products and other local food items. This open-air extravaganza, Naschmarkt, is considered one of the largest of its kind, and it's a great intro into everyday life in Vienna. In addition to shops, you'll find food stalls and small eateries throughout. Recent visitors said you should come hungry to this market and plan to sample a few things from each stand.You don't have to pay to peruse, but you'll want to bring some cash in case you see something that whets your appetite. The market is generally open from around 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays. Also, make sure to keep an eye on your belongings – the market is crowded and popular with tourists, so beware of pickpockets.




  Vienna has long been a musical epicenter. It was here that renowned composers, such as Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Mahler and Strauss lived, composed and performed. So it's hard not to be tempted to stop in a site known as the House of Music (Haus der Musik) during your time in the city. This small but fascinating museum showcases the works of Vienna's elite musicians with displays featuring manuscripts and sound bytes. Exhibits also explain the evolution of sound and the mechanics behind our ability to hear. Plus, there's an entire floor dedicated to the Vienna Philharmonic where you can even use a virtual wand to conduct the musicians. (Be careful, though, if you mess up they may ridicule you.) Travelers say if you're a classical music fan (or even a fan of the science of sound), a visit to the House of Music should be a priority.

  You'll find the Haus der Musik located in the Innere Stadt just a few blocks southeast of the Hofburg Palace complex. It's open every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Admission is 13 euros (about $15) for adults and 6 euros (about $7) for children younger than 12. Discounts are available for students, seniors and groups. For more information, check out the museum's website.

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热门标签: 春节旅游   旅游攻略   欧洲旅游
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