



2018-01-23 23:03:00






  The passion of a flamenco dancer, the dedication of a bullfighting matador and the laid-back indulgence of an afternoon siesta are not merely romanticized memories of a long-ago Spain. These cultural traditions are prominent aspects of life in Seville and throughout the country's southernmost Andalusia region. A city marked by Jewish, Islamic and Christian influences, Seville shows evidence of each religion's presence in its church facades, minarets and former ghettos. Travelers who appreciate a good dose of history between leisurely strolls along narrow streets and relaxed, drawn-out meals will swoon over Seville's centuries-old neighborhoods and cultural offerings.Plan to spend your time in Seville indulging in tapas at a street corner cafe or listening to an impromptu guitarist's tunes in an open-air plaza. Though the sunshine and laid-back lifestyle may lure you to relax your days away, be sure to make time for visits to the parks, gardens and palaces that showcase the city's complex history and architectural splendor. If you look closely, you'll spot "NO8DO" on city buses, benches, bicycle racks and even manhole covers. A rebus for the Spanish phrase "no me ha dejado," NO8DO translates to "It (Seville) has not abandoned me." Commit that slogan to memory because it's likely you'll adapt this mantra yourself; once you've seen the charms of Seville, your experience will stick with you for quite some time.

  弗拉门戈舞者的激情,斗牛士的奉献精神以及下午午睡的悠闲放松,不仅仅是对西班牙很久以前的浪漫回忆。这些文化传统是塞维利亚和全国最南端的安达卢西亚地区生活的突出方面。一个以犹太,伊斯兰和基督教影响为标志的城市,塞维利亚显示了每个宗教在教堂正面,尖塔和前面的贫民区中的存在。在狭窄的街道上悠闲漫步,享受悠闲漫步之旅的旅客将欣赏到塞维利亚百年历史的社区和文化景点。计划在塞维利亚度过你的时间,在街头的咖啡馆放纵小吃或者在露天广场听一个即兴吉他手的曲调。虽然阳光和悠闲的生活方式可能引诱你放松自己的日子,但一定要花时间去参观公园,花园和宫殿,展示城市的复杂的历史和建筑的辉煌。如果你仔细观察,你会发现城市公交车,长凳,自行车架,甚至井盖上的“NO8DO”。西班牙语短语“ no me ha dejado ”的翻译,NO8DO翻译为“它(塞维利亚)没有抛弃我”。把这个口号记在心里,因为你可能会自己调整这个口头禅; 一旦你看到塞维利亚的魅力,你的经验将会持续相当一段时间。


  #3 in Best Places to Visit in Spain


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  #8 in Best Affordable Vacations in Europe


  #8 in Best Winter Vacations in Europe


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  #13 in Best Honeymoon Destinations in Europe


  #16 in Best Places to Visit in Europe



  Seville is famous for its enormous Catedral and soaring La Giralda tower, but there are tons of places to discover the city's rich history. Stroll along the Guadalquivir River for scenic views or walk through the streets of Barrio Santa Cruz to discover the local flavor of Seville's tapas bars, boutique shops and outdoor plazas. To maximize your time in the sun, amble through the gardens of Parque María Luisa or uncover the royal story of theReal Alcázar palace. See it all before your afternoon siesta, which will help you prepare for nightlife that's been known to entertain visitors and Sevillanos alike through the early morning hours. How we rank Things to Do.

  塞维利亚以其巨大的大教堂和高耸的吉拉达塔而闻名,但有许多地方可以发现这座城市丰富的历史。沿着瓜达尔基维尔河漫步欣赏美景或步行穿过巴里奥圣克鲁斯的街道,发现塞维利亚的小吃吧,精品店和户外广场的当地风味。为了最大限度地利用您在阳光下的时间,穿过ParqueMaríaLuisa 公园的花园,或者揭开RealAlcázar宫殿的皇家故事。在午睡之前看到这一切,这将有助于您准备夜间娱乐活动,让您在清晨享受游客和塞维利亚诺斯的美好时光。 我们如何排名的事情。


  关键信息:十月到三月,宫殿每天从上午9点半开放至下午5点,四月到九月,上午9点半开放至晚上7点。一般来说,进入皇家城堡的费用为9.50欧元(约合13美元),但17至25岁的学生2欧元(约合3美元),而16岁以下的儿童免费进入。导游需要额外支付4.50欧元(约合6美元),您可以在您访问前致电RealAlcázar(+954 50 23 24)预订。

  The Spanish monarchy doesn't quite boast the worldwide clout of the British monarchy, but royalty is royalty, right? Take the chance to step into sovereignty when you enter the Real Alcázar palace and gardens. The palace was built in the seventh century and it still occasionally hosts the royal family when they visit Seville. While the original structure dates back to the Middle Ages, the entire palace has been heavily influenced by different architectural and cultural styles, ranging from Gothic to Baroque. The intricate architectural design is known as mudéjar — a Muslim and Christian artistic fusion unique to Andalusia. Exlpore on your own or use an audio tour to guide you through the luxurious rooms of the palace like the Salón de Embajadores (Hall of Ambassadors) and the Patio de las Doncellas (Patio of the Maidens). But to gain access to the Cuarto Real Alto (the Upper Royal Quarters), you'll need to be on a guided tour.You'll find the entrance to the Real Alcázar in the El Centro neighborhood near the Catedral. From October to March, the palace is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; from April to September, the grounds stay open until 7 p.m. General admission into the Real Alcázar costs €9.50 EUR (about $13 USD), but students ages 17 to 25 can enter for €2 EUR (about $3 USD) and children younger than 16 get in for free. Guided tours are available for an additional €4.50 (about $6 USD) and can be reserved by calling the Real Alcázar (+954 50 23 24) in advance of your visit. For more information, visit the Real Alcázar's website.If you can't get enough of the royal aesthetic, visit Seville's other — albeit smaller — palace, the Casa de Pilatos in Barrio Santa Cruz. This 15th century palace of Gothic and Renaissance design offers magnificent mosaic staircases and sun-drenched gardens and patios. You can learn more about the historic site — including hours and admission fee details — on Casa de Pilatos' website.

  塞维利亚王宫是安达卢西亚特有的穆斯林和基督教艺术融合。自己或者使用音频游览引导您通过宫殿的豪华的房间象使馆和天井的少女。但要获得Cuarto Real Alto(上部皇家宿舍),您需要参加导游。确保预算足够的时间来欣赏细节。您会 在Catedral附近的El Centro附近找到RealAlcázar的入口 。欲了解更多信息,请访问RealAlcázar的 网站。如果你不能得到足够的皇家审美,访问塞维利亚的其他 尽管宫殿较小,在巴里奥圣克鲁斯的皮拉托之家。这座15世纪的哥特式和文艺复兴时期的宫殿提供宏伟的马赛克楼梯和阳光普照的花园和露台。您可以在Casa de Pilatos的网站上了解更多有关历史遗迹的信息,包括小时和入场费详情 。



  If you're in search of green space, you won't be disappointed — Seville's got plenty. But the most notable of the city's parks is Parque de María Luisa, located next to the Plaza de España. Like the plaza, this park was largely built for exhibition at the 1929 World's Fair and has remained one of Seville's most popular sites since. You can take a stroll, ride a bicycle or be pulled by horse-drawn carriage through the gardens designed by French landscape architect Nicolas Forestier. You'll also find several notable buildings and museums within the park. The Costurero de la Reina (or the Queen's Sewing Box) is a 19th century castlelike structure and former sewing retreat for the wife of Spain's King Alfonso XII. The Pabellón Mudéjar is home to the Museum of Arts and Traditions of Seville. And the Pabellón del Renacimiento houses the Archeological Museum of Seville.With so much to see and plenty of orange trees for shade, exploring the park may take up a big chunk of your day. "We watched the people going by [and] walked around enjoying the warmth," one TripAdvisor reviewer said. "I'd recommend putting aside at least an hour to enjoy the many different fountains, bridges [and] plants."Although the park is free to visit at any time of day, use your best judgment when walking around at night, as you would in most major cities. The various things to do within the park are open at different times, and admission costs vary; visit each attraction's website for further details.

  如果你在寻找绿地,你不会感到失望塞维利亚有很多。但是这个城市最著名的公园是位于西班牙广场旁边的Parque deMaríaLuisa公园。像广场一样,这个公园大部分都是为了参加1929年的世界博览会而建的,从那以后一直是塞维利亚最受欢迎的景点之一。您可以散步,骑自行车或乘坐马车拉着法国景观设计师Nicolas Forestier设计的花园。公园内还有几座著名的建筑和博物馆。Costurero德拉雷纳(或女王的缝纫盒)是一个19世纪的城堡般的结构和前西班牙国王阿方索十二的妻子缝纫撤退。 而Pabellóndel Renacimiento则拥有塞维利亚的 考古博物馆。有这么多的景观和大量的橙树树荫,探索公园可能占用你的一天大块。一位TripAdvisor 评论人士说:“我们看着人们走过去,四处走走,享受着温暖 。“我建议搁置至少一个小时,以享受许多不同的喷泉,桥梁和植物。”尽管公园在任何时候都可以随时随地参观,但是在大多数主要城市,在夜间四处走走时要充分利用自己的判断力。公园内的各种事情在不同的时间开放,入场费用也不尽相同。请访问每个景点的网站了解更多详情。



  The largest Gothic building in Europe in terms of size, the Catedral de Sevilla sits in the heart of the city on Avenida de la Constitución and invites travelers from around the world to admire its impressive Gothic architecture. Built in the late 15th century, the cathedral has more than 40 chapels and sits on the site of a former mosque. The vastness of the cathedral and tower impresses visitors. As one TripAdvisor user said, "It is so huge that it looks almost empty, even though it is actually filled with huge altarpieces, vast tombs and side chapels and all the rest of it." It is widely accepted that Christopher Columbus' remains can be found inside the above-ground bronze tomb on display inside the cathedral, though it has never been confirmed. Once you've finished touring the cathedral's interior, make your way to the Patio de Los Naranjos — an outdoor square filled with aromatic orange trees.From September to June, the cathedral is open to visitors Monday to Saturday beginning at 11 a.m. Closing times vary between 3:30 and 5 p.m., depending on the day of the week. In July and August, visitors can stop by Monday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., or Tuesday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cathedral is open on Sundays year-round from 2:30 to 6 p.m. The cathedral does hold Mass several times per day in different chapels, so be mindful of those engaged in prayer. (Times and location of services vary by time of year and day of the week.) General admission costs €8 EUR (about $11 USD) and includes access to both the Catedral and La Giralda. For more information, visit the cathedral's website, available only in Spanish.

  塞维利亚大教堂是欧洲规模最大的哥特式建筑,坐落在宪法大道的市中心,邀请世界各地的游客前来欣赏令人印象深刻的哥特式建筑。建于15世纪后期,大教堂有40多间教堂,坐落在一座前清真寺的遗址上。大教堂和塔的浩瀚让游客印象深刻。作为一个 TripAdvisor 用户说:“它太大了,看起来几乎是空的,尽管它实际上充满了巨大的祭坛,巨大的坟墓和小教堂,其余的都是。克里斯托弗·哥伦布的遗体被发现在大教堂内的地上青铜墓内,这一点已被广泛接受,尽管它从未得到证实。一旦你完成了大教堂的内部游览,您可以前往Patio de Los Naranjos - 一个充满芳香橙树的户外广场。塞维利亚大教堂是塞维利亚最高的地标之一,也是该遗址最原始的清真寺的遗址之一。这座清真寺于1402年被拆除。与那些在马拉喀什和拉巴特一样,塞维利亚大教堂是世界上存留时间最长的尖塔之一从12世纪的柏柏尔穆斯林阿摩德王朝。爬上尖塔的近40坡道到顶部,并采取一览无遗的城市。欲了解更多信息,请访问大教堂的 网站,只有西班牙语。



  Navigating your way through winding footpaths and narrow streets of a centuries-old neighborhood is captivating for any adventurous traveler. Even among Europe's many picturesque neighborhoods, Barrio Santa Cruz stands out for its 15th century history and its abundance of charming restaurants and shops, not to mention the orange-tree-covered plazas awaiting walkers around each turn. Barrio Santa Cruz served as the city's Jewish quarter prior to the Spanish Inquisition in the late 15th century when Jews were expelled from the country. Evidence of the quarter's former inhabitants remains on Calle Judería (Jewry Street) — an aptly named street near the neighborhood's center. Many of the neighborhood's churches that stand today were originally synagogues.An added bonus of a visit to this neighborhood (located next to the Real Alcázar) is that the streets are designed to create as much shade as possible, making the Barrio Santa Cruz a great escape from the heat of Seville's scorching summer sun. With plenty of cafes doling out tapas, flamenco bars offering live entertainment, and historic landmarks sitting alongside plazas, it's no wonder the Barrio Santa Cruz is extra popular among visitors. But just because it's tourist-friendly doesn't mean it's a cinch to navigate. One TripAdvisor user offers some advice: "Make sure your map is detailed enough to list all the small streets and you will be able to find your way without much trouble." Hold on to that map and use the neighborhood's online guide to explore the area's snaking medieval streets.

  通过蜿蜒的人行道和几百年的街区狭窄的街道,您的方式是迷人的冒险旅行者。即使在欧洲的许多风景如画的街区,巴里奥圣克鲁斯15世纪的历史和其丰富的餐厅和商店,更不用说在每个转弯周围的橙色树荫覆盖的广场等待步行者。在15世纪晚期的西班牙宗教裁判所之前,巴里奥圣克鲁斯曾担任该市的犹太人区,当时犹太人被驱逐出境。该街区前居民的证据依然存在于Jule街,街道中心附近一条名为街道的街道。许多当地的教堂都是犹太教堂。这个社区(位于RealAlcázar酒店旁边)的另外一个好处就是街道的设计可以尽可能多地遮挡阴影,这使得Barrio Santa Cruz从塞维利亚灼热的夏日的炎热中逃脱。有大量的咖啡馆,西班牙小吃店,提供现场娱乐表演的弗拉门戈酒吧,以及坐落在广场旁边的历史地标,难怪巴里奥圣克鲁斯(Santa Cruz)更受旅客欢迎。但仅仅因为它适合旅游,并不意味着它是一个轻松的导航。一个TripAdvisor用户提供了一些建议:“确保你的地图足够详细,列出所有的小街道,你将能够找到你的方式没有太多的麻烦。抓住那张地图,并使用社区的在线指南 探索该地区的中世纪街道。



  Originally built for Seville's Ibero-American Expo at the 1929 World's Fair, the Plaza de España offers one of the most picturesque panoramas in the city. The 540,000-square-foot Plaza de España includes a giant, neo-Moorish building (spanning more than half of the site's perimeter) and an expansive mosaic patio with a canal, a fountain and four foot bridges. Architect Aníbal González, built the site to highlight Spain's technological and artistic achievements for the world. The detailed artwork built into the Plaza de España's design helps it standout as an architectural tour de force.Today, the building houses several government offices, so indoor access is off-limits to tourists. But the site's beauty is best observed from outside the building. On the Plaza de España grounds, you'll find brightly colored ceramic tiles covering nearly the entire plaza, towering marble columns and intricate murals, which one TripAdvisor reviewer says are "really worth inspecting closely." Plenty of filmmakers agree: Plaza de España has been the backdrop for scenes in movies like "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace." Pay close attention to the plaza's 48 painted benches: Each bench depicts important symbols and themes from one of Spain's provinces. Or admire the marble fountain and mosaic floor while enjoying Seville's lively outdoor crowds. For a more active option, rent a rowboat for a trip on the small canal that runs in and around the plaza — a 45-minute rental costs €5 EUR (about $7 USD).

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