



2015-07-31 15:47:00


  韩国有着丰富多样的文化,作为一个到韩国的外国人,相信大家都想体验不一样的韩国文化。作为一所整体综合竞争力排名全韩国第8的名牌私立大学,中央大学为留学生准备了丰富多样的文化体验活动,包括首尔观光巴士游览、民俗村参观、三星电子博物馆、华城以及青瓦台的参观游览,还有传统音乐演奏、利川陶瓷村、跆拳道等文化体验活动,这些活动每月至少一次,让留学生充分的探索和体验韩国的传统与现代文化,在学习之外也得到不也一样的体验。下面是出国留学网 www.liuxue86.com 为大家整理的中央大学丰富多彩的文化体验活动,供大家参考。

  Culture Experience  文化体验活动

  The cultural activities for international students are sponsored by the Division of Performing Arts & Film · Video of Chung-Ang University, with funding from the Ministry of Education and Science Technology of the Republic of Korea.


  Field Trips 参观游览活动

  For maximum exposure to the traditional and modern Korean culture, the International Center organizes field trips for international students to various historic sites and tourist attractions in the country at least once a month.


  Seoul CityTour

  Well-known tourist hub cities like New York, Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, and London all have their own city tour buses. Like these cities, Seoul, where the annual visitors exceed 5,000,000, has Seoul City Tour Bus. Specifically designed for touring around Seoul, Seoul City Tour Bus offers its passengers a unique and enjoyable way of learning about Seoul and of sampling everything it has to offer. Students will enjoy visiting the major landmarks of Seoul.



  Korean Folk Village

  The Korean Folk Village was opened on October 3, 1974 as an open-air folk museum and international tourist attraction for both Korean and foreign visitors. It is the home of the true Korean heritage, where many features of the Korean culture have been collected and preserved for the succeeding generations to see and learn about. A traditional marketplace offers the exotic flavors of Korean cuisine from various regions. Shops stock a variety of traditional handicrafts and souvenirs. "Farmers' Music and Dance" and "Acrobatics on a Tightrope" are performed on the performance arena twice a day. In spring, autumn, and on big holidays, traditional coming-of-age, marriage, funeral, and ancestor memorial holiday customs and ceremonies are held.



  Samsung Electronics Museum & Suwon Hwaseong Fortress

  The Samsung Electronics Museum, located in Suwon City, is a place where visitors can fully enjoy high technologies and the state-of-the-art products that have catapulted Samsung Electronics to the status of a leader in the world market. The museum has a nicely equipped exhibition hall and a history hall. You can find many kinds of advanced products in the digital electronics area in the exhibition hall, while a dramatic history of Samsung Electronics, currently one of the world’s best electronic companies, is displayed in the history hall. Hwaseong Fortress was the official fortress of Suwon City, Gyeonggi-do, from the latter days of the Joseon Period (1392-1910).The construction of the fortress began in 1794 and was finished in 1796. It was built to show the king’s filial piety towards his father Jangheonseja, and also to build a new city with Suwon’s own economic power. The fortress was designated as Historical Monument No. 3 in January 1963, and in December 1997, it was designated as one of UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage Sites.


  位于京畿道水原市的“三星电子博物馆”,是展示韩国世界一流高科技三星电子产品的大型现代化博物馆。该馆分: 介绍三星电子成长过程的历史馆和展示三星电子产品的展览馆两大部分。通过参观,可了解当代韩国飞速发展数码电子高科技及其产品的现况。

  华城位于京畿道的水原市,是李朝时期正祖执政(1794-1796)年间,为孝忠已故父王蒋祖而建成的一所大型别宫行阁城郭。华城城郭于1963年1月被指定为历史纪念遗迹第3号;于1997年12月被UNESCO指定为世界文化遗产 。

  Cheong Wa Dae(Blue House)

  The symbol of Cheong Wa Dae (known to the Westerners as Blue House or as the presidential residence) is its blue tiles. What will first catch your attention when you arrive at Cheong Wa Dae is the blue tiles of the main building. The blue tiles and the smoothly curving roof are in beautiful harmony with Mt. Bukak behind it. As Blue House represents Korea, the blue tiles and the smooth curve of the roof highlight the country’s beauty.



  Cultural Activities 文化体验活动

  To expose the students to the Korean culture and society, the International Center arranges various cultural activities. Unlike field trips, these interesting activities allow student participation.


  Performance and Experience of Traditional Korean Musical Instruments

  This activity introduces traditional Korean music, musical instruments, and ensemble. Students will have the opportunity to hear the traditional Korean music as performed by nationally acclaimed CAU student performing groups. They will also be given a chance to try out different traditional Korean musical instruments.



  Ichon Ceramic Village

  Ichon Ceramic Village, situated in Saum 2-ri, Ichon-up, Ichon City, is the center of the Korean ceramic culture. This region inherited its ceramic-art tradition from the Punwon kilns of the Kwangju region. Today, the nation's renowned ceramists are pouring their efforts into reviving the aesthetics of the Choson white porcelain. There are 150 kilns in the region, and Haegang Ceramic Museum features exquisite works shaped by master hands. The ceramic village demonstrates the making of ceramics and even allows the students to experience it with their own hands. A cornucopia of ceramic articles is also sold at good prices. The annual Ichon Ceramic Festival also provides tourists with diverse ceramic works and folklore events.



  Hanbok(Korean Traditional Costume)Wearing Experience

  Hanbok literally means "Korean dress." It is the traditional clothing that the Koreans have worn through the ages and is also the national dress that the Koreans often use to express their sense of identity. This basic traditional costume of Korea consists of a jacket and trousers for men and a jacket and skirt for women. Both the men and women wear an overcoat and a headgear. The basic pattern of the traditional Korean dress developed under the influence of the Northerners has changed little to the present day. The international exchange students have a great time as they learn how to wear Hanbok and take photos of themselves in the traditional dress. All of them say that Hanbok is beautiful.




  Taekwondo is a bare-handed military art form and sport of Korea that uses the hands and feet for attack and defense. The focus of Taekwondo is on training the mind along with the body. Together with the university’s Taekwondo club Lalfaram, the International Center provides the students with an opportunity to learn and experience the essence of the Korean martial art.


  跆拳道是以人体手脚,攻击和御防对方的韩国传统武术表演形式。通过练就跆拳道,可使人四肢发达、思惟敏捷,增进身心健康,是韩国较普及的传统健身运动项目。 国际交流部与大学跆拳道俱乐部(lalfaram),将为交换学生提供体验跆拳道的机会。

  韩国中央大学(중앙대학교 / 中央大学校)是韩国一所名牌私立大学。目前,中央大学整体综合竞争力排名全韩第8名(2015),以新闻系、戏剧系、电影系和摄影系最负盛名。其中戏剧电影系是全韩国最高的戏剧表演和影视艺术教育机构之一,培养出了众多顶尖的演艺界和文化界人士。韩国排名第九的大企业斗山集团2008年起作为中央大学的财团以后,学校做出了重点发展扶持理工科专业的战略性调整,大幅度的财政支持也使得中央大学的综合竞争力得以进一步提升。

  想了解更多中央大学或韩国留学资讯,请访问出国留学网 www.liuxue86.com

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