



2015-10-23 08:30:00

   瑞典的斯德哥尔摩大学(Stockholm University,简称SU)成立于1878年,位于素有北欧威尼斯之称的瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市,是瑞典规模最大的综合类大学之一,也是世界百大名校之一。

  斯德哥尔摩大学目前共设有83个英文授课的硕士项目,其中信息系统管理(Information Systems Management)专业课程周期2年,120学分。要求申请学生需具备一定的英语能力(雅思6.5),持有学士学位证书,并至少修完90学分以上的计算机和系统科学方面的课程,比如:计算机科学,系统科学,信息学,信息系统等。


  Information Technology is opening up unprecedented opportunities for creating flexible and innovative organisations and societies. This development will require leaders with a thorough understanding of IT as well as its application to business and societal challenges. With the Information Systems Management programme, students will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to use cutting edge IT for solving both organisational and societal problems. The programme focuses on the design, implementation, usage, and evolution of information systems. Students will acquire in-depth knowledge of information systems design and architecture including requirements engineering, service oriented architectures, and agile systems development. Students will also develop a strong understanding of the role of IT in supporting and transforming organisations and networks, for example value network design, enterprise systems, business process management, and business intelligence. Graduates of the programme will find positions as IT architects, enterprise architects, project managers, database administrators, systems analysts, and application developers. They may pursue their careers in a variety of organizations, including large and mid-size corporations, public sector agencies, and non-governmental organisations (NGO). Graduates may also enter PhD programmes for a research career. Starting autumn 2011 the different courses are available as distance courses that gives you the opportunity to take the courses in your own speed regardless of place. The courses are also given as traditional campus courses so you may choose the pedagogical approach of your preference.

想了解更多留学网(www.iliuxue360.cn)的资讯,请访问:   国家优势  |  教育体系  |  专业资讯  |  热门专业  |  中小学留学  |  本科留学  |  研究生留学  |  艺术生留学  |

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